Graham Fink

Graham Fink
Graham Fink
Graham Fink
Graham Fink
Graham Fink
Graham Fink
Graham Fink
Riflemaker is pleased to present Stone Souls, a photographic exhibition by multimedia artist Graham Fink.

Stone Souls explores the psychological phenomenon of pareidolia—the perception of a visual or auditory pattern where there is none. Often associated with religious or intellectual epiphany, pareidolia is credited with helping ancient civilizations to negotiate an unintelligible world through the interpretation of signs where there was merely chaos.

We have since become predisposed to interpret abstract shapes and formations and to conclude stories from their fragmented clues – something that artistic movements such as Cubism and Abstraction understood implicitly.

For Fink, the phenomenon has become uniquely associated with his practice, which is intensely process-oriented.

His work evokes the discovery of familiar shapes and renderings by viewers - even where none were originally intended by the artist.

A Riflemaker Exhibition


'Drawing with my Eyes'


Graham Fink
Graham Fink

In the upcoming exhibition by Graham Fink, visitors will experience for the first time the creation of images using ‘Eye-Tracking’.

The artist will be 'drawing' live, using neither hand nor any instrument, other than his eyes. As he directs his own eye movement, lines appear on the page. He will achieve this with the help of software he developed in conjunction with Tobii Technology in China - specifically a Tobii 'eye-tracker'.

The technology works by shining infra-red light directly into the eyes. The reflections are recorded by a camera through multi-algorithms and filters which allow eye movement to immediately be translated to a screen.

Graham Fink writes:

I have been preoccupied with faces since childhood. I see them in rocks, clouds, cracks in walls - images I see in my mind's eye. These ongoing 'eye drawings' can now be brought to life without art materials, paint, pencil or brushes. What I see I can draw directly onto a blank background, in this case a computer screen, using only my eyes.

I draw the lines in my mind's eye and that is what develops. Sooner or later a face appears.
I work with this trusting my unconscious. The lines appear like digital markings.

About Tobii
Tobii is the world leader in eye-tracking, where all technology works in harmony with natural human behaviour. Tobii has transformed research in many fields and enabled communication for thousands of people with special needs.


previous exhibitions:


Graham Fink

A Riflemaker Exhibition



"l'image poιtique devrait κtre plus vague et plus soluble dans l'air"
Paul Verlaine

As with poetic images, so it is with the visual. Indefinite and fluid, they are all around. The child sees a face in the moon, ghosts in the sand, where the abstract becomes figurative, the throwaway becomes profound, the imagined real.

Since childhood, filmmaker Graham Fink has seen faces; scratches in concrete, flaking paint, knots in the wood, clouds, fire; faces in everything. The apparitions grew and the spirits began to follow him. Like coincidental friendships, seeking freedom of expression in life as well as art. Fink recorded these 'found' characters, taking photographs everywhere he went. More than three thousand ghosts recorded over the years. The impact of an imagination deriving energy and meaning from an acutely sensitive response to the natural and supernatural world and the symbolism of the images which nature throws up.

Fink's debut exhibition NOMADS consists of twelve of the most insistent 'pareidolia',* printed onto the purest white marble. The medium radiates life through the layers amalgamated in the printing process, one of the oldest known to man. The spirits take on another existence, becoming at one with the stone. As with the aeolian harp, the music in the air, they are always waiting.

All we have to do is look.

* 'pareidolia' an imagined stimulus, image or sound which appears to be significant