Chosil Kil: 'Living with Andis'
Installation including pen-knifed furniture, embroidery, long-form poem, photographs and film by the Korean artist, born Seoul, 1975. The story of her enlightening week living with Andis.
'ANDIS' Monument, 2006-2007, mixed media

at Riflemaker: September 15 - November 8
at Somerset House from 6 October
Artists don't often tear apart one exhibition in order to make another. But
at Somerset House in October Chosil Kil (b.Seoul, 1975) will literally destroy
the gallery's current Skin & Bones 'Fashion/Architecture' retrospective to
immediately reassemble it as 'Cocoon'; a new womb-like construction with a
new function and use.
Chosil Kil's ongoing 'Cocoons' project explores the artist's own experiences
of displacement and assimilation as a Korean moving to and living in London.
Each new Cocoon or 'shelter' revisits the journey from solitary arrival to
a new environment; building relationships, acquiring resources and creating
a nest crucial to developing a sense of home.
In each location Kil asks the local community to donate objects due to be thrown
away. She then works with the donated elements - doors, windows, chairs, tables,
fences and gates - taking them apart and robbing them of their original function
before re-assembling them to make a new physical object.
Each Cocoon is unique in its construction - a manifestation of personal experiences
in each chosen destination, created and developed through meeting, getting
to know the community and sometimes collaborating with local craftsman.
Whilst previous Cocoons have been built within alien environments, the new
work at Somerset House, will be constructed onsite within another already existing
exhibition as Kil takes apart Somerset House's 'Skin & Bones’ in order to reassemble
part of it as a London shelter.
At Riflemaker in September, Kil will show a series of 'DRAWERINGS'. Wall-mounted
drawers detached from their cabinets and desks act as frames and boxes for
a series of apparently unrelated objects again placed in a new context separate
to their original function.
As in her previous exhibition 'Living With Andis' at Riflemaker London and
Cornerhouse in Manchester, 'Drawerings' is about changing the contexts and
physical forms of ordinary objects. Disassociating them from the narrative
within which they usually exist, Kil uses them to tell her own unique stories,
giving the objects a new poetic significance.
Both ‘Drawerings’ and ‘Cocoon No:4’ are looking at the forgotten values of
physical human relationships and identifying with the universal need to find
a place within society.
Use of left-over wooden pieces is symbolic of both the value of tradition,
of traditional communities, and of traditional materials - simultaneously affirming
the value of recycling and co-operation in modern societies, and the a critique
of the relentless drive to modernity that alienates citizens from each other.
Chosil Kil came to prominence as a member of the Artists group Janfamily. She
lives and works in London.